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Fantassia's Palace logo designed by Kotchka, Dexter and Sasha and is copyrighted. Do not copy or use without permission. This image is well worth loading at least once. *smile*

Chat Help and HTML Tips for Fantassia's Palace

     For the best results when visiting Fantassia's Palace, it is suggested that you use Netscape as your browser since the site is "Netscape enhanced" (which simply means it works best when used with Netscape). Microsoft's Internet Explorer does work within the realm but you may occasionally experience some trouble (such as being "booted" frequently or unable to post in a room) while chatting, especially with the older versions of it. If you use Microsoft IE as your browser, please be sure to have 4.0+ for best results while you are visiting.

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Fun Stuff

Using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) in your messages can make for a lot of fun and expression. Below are some basic HTML commands that you may wish to use in our rooms. You can copy and paste the examples (the black bold-faced type) from this page into your message window and make the changes there if you like. Please remember that these may not work with all systems, depending on what fonts are installed on your computer. So please have some fun and enjoy yourself with trying these different things out! *S*

Section 1:  Changing font colors and sizes:

16 accepted color names for text and backgrounds with their hexadecimal color values
Aqua Black Blue Fuchsia Gray Green Lime Maroon
#00FFFF #000000 #0000FF #FF00FF #808080 #008000 #00FF00 #800000
Navy Olive Purple Red Silver Teal White Yellow
#000080 #808000 #800080 #FF0000 #C0C0C0 #008080 #FFFFFF #FFFF00

Feel free to change the color name used below with one of the 16 names from the above color chart and/or the number value after "size":
<font color=red>text</font> will give you:  text
<font color=red size=5>text</font> will give you:  text
<font size=5><b><font color=red>t</font><font color=blue>e</font><font color=purple>x</font><font color=green>t</font></b></font> will give you:  text

| Back to the top | Section 2 |

Section 2:  Font Styles:

You may use different font styles such as Comic Sans MS, Script, Symbol, or Wingdings. (Please remember that you will only see the text in a specified font IF you have that particular font installed on your computer. Other people viewing your text must have the font installed on their computer to be able to have it displayed in your specified font or they will see the text in whatever they have set as their default font):
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="5">text</font> will give you:  text
<font face="Brush Script MT" size="5">text</font> will give you:  text
<font face="symbol" size="5">&#167</font> will give you:  §
(NOTE:  For Symbol, you have to use the & (ampersand) and the # (pound sign) characters plus a number combination in order for it to create a "picture.")
<font face="wingdings" size="5">J</font> will give you:  J
(NOTE:  For Wingdings, EACH letter, number, or symbol on your keyboard will result in another picture using upper or lower case letters as well as the numbers and symbols.)
Symbol Examples and Samples:
<font face="symbol">&#168</font> will give you:  ¨
<font face="symbol">&#169</font> will give you:  ©
<font face="symbol">&#170</font> will give you:  ª
Wingdings Samples:
Upper case letters:  K L M are K L M.
Lower case letters:  k l m are k l m.
Numbers:  1 2 3 are 1 2 3.
Symbols:  @ $ * are @ $ *.

| Section 1 | Back to the top | Section 3

Section 3:  Other Font Styles:

PLEASE remember that for each opening tag that you use, you should also use a closing tag if there is one for it. An example of a opening tag is <font> with the closing tag as </font>. All closing tags will have the / (forward slash) in front of the word. The <br> tag does NOT have a closing tag. You can also use tags like:
<blink>text</blink> will give you:   text (annoying to some but it can be attention-getting at times if used properly)
(NOTE:  The blink command tag will only work with Netscape browsers; IE users will NOT see any text blinking using that tag.)
<b>text</b> will give you bold-face text:  text
<i>text</i> will give you italicized text:  text
<strike>text</strike> will give you:  text
<center>text</center> will give you centered text (example on the next line below):
<sup>text</sup> will give you superscript text (example centered on the next line below):
This is an example of Superscript Text. *grin*
<sub>text</sub> will give you subscript text (example centered on the next line below):
This is an example of Subscript Text.
Using the <br> or <BR> (line break) tag will create a new line wherever it is inserted. You may also use the <p> or <P> (paragraph) tag to do this if you wish. You can't indent a paragraph using this tag alone but you can ALIGN it the paragraph using one of the following with the ALIGN attribute:  left, center, or right.
Examples and Samples of the <p>....</p> tag:
<p>This is the first paragraph of text with no ALIGN attribute.</p>
<p ALIGN=left>This is the second paragraph of text with left ALIGN. </p>
<p ALIGN=center>This is the third paragraph of text with center ALIGN.</p>
<p ALIGN=right>This is the fourth paragraph of text with right ALIGN.</p>
will do this:

This is the first paragraph of text with no ALIGN attribute.

This is the second paragraph of text with left ALIGN.

This is the third paragraph of text with center ALIGN.

This is the fourth paragraph of text with right ALIGN.

| Section 2 | Back to the top | Section 4 |

Section 4:  Miscellaneous Pictures:

A few other things that you may wish to try while in a chat room.
Copy and paste the bold-faced text into your message area and follow the instructions:
(Most of them are by the courtesy of Dash where noted. Thank you, Dash! *s*)
Examples and Samples:
A blue crayon by Dash:  You can see the example and explanation below as to how to create a box of crayons using this little "formula". *smile*
<font size=5 color=blue>()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font>
should create this:

| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

A small box of crayons created by me:  This box of crayons was created using the crayon "formula" from Dash with the colors changed along with the font size but it may be a little trickier to copy and paste for you. You will need to copy each line and paste it into place, making sure that there are no spaces between the last <br> of each line and the <font> tag for the next line. Do NOT hit the Enter/Return button on your computer/WebTV at the end of each line or you will probably have one empty line inserted between each of the crayons that you do this with.
<p align="left"><b><font face="Arial" size="3" color="#0000FF">()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#FFFF00">()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#000000" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#FF0000" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#008040" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#800080" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#FF8000" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="3" color="#A52A2A" >()))<u>_</u><u>Crayola</u><u>_</u>)))#></font></b></p>

Should result in this:


| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

A rose by Dash:
<font face="Arial" size="4" color=red>@</font><font face="Arial" size="5" color=green></font><font face="Arial" size="4" color=green>~^~~~</font>
creates this:  
<font face="Arial" size="4" color=red>@</font><font face="Arial" size="5" color=green></font><font face="Arial" size="4" color=green>~~%~~</font>
creates this:  

| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

A stick of TNT by Dash:  For this one you may need to copy and paste each line separately in order to avoid having spaces or a line inserted between the ends of the tags >< so that everything is all one continuous line; otherwise you may end up seeing the parts to it on separate lines.
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4" color=maroon>()))TNT)))))</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4" color=gray>~~~~</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4" color=red>*</font>
should create this:

| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

A cuddly teddy bear submitted by Cinnaminn:  Note:  You do need to use the center tag which is included with the p ALIGN for this one or the "parts" will not ALIGN properly!
<p align=center><font size=4 color=red>()_()<br>(~.*)<br>(.)~.~(.)<br>/(_)-(_)\<br>*Soft Cuddly Hugs*</font></p>
should create this:

*Soft Cuddly Hugs*

| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

Miscellaneous Links

Please check out one of these places if you are looking for fonts, freebies, or an easy way to colorize your font!

Fantassia's Freebies Font Emporium Font Mania Microsoft Typography
Fonts For Free Fontastic Resun Home Page HTML Font Colorizer for Win95/NT

| Section 3 | Back to the top | Section 5 |
| crayon | crayon box | rose | TNT | Teddy Bear |

Section 5:  Creating A Clickable HTML Link:

Here's how you can make a clickable link to post in a chat room that allows you to post HTML. Simply replace the with whatever URL (Uniform (or Universal) Resource Locator) you wish to create a link to and replace the link name with the name you want to call link.
<a href="">link name</a>
will give you: link name

Here's how to make a simple clickable e-mail link for posting in a chat room or on your web page. Be sure to replace the your with your own e-mail address:
<a href="mailto:your">your</a>
will give you: your

Here's how to make a little more complex clickable e-mail link with subject line included for posting in a chat room or on your web page. Be sure to replace the your with your own e-mail address and the ?Subject=your e-mail with whatever you want to have in the subject line of the e-mail:
<a href="mailto:your ?Subject=your e-mail">your</a>
will give you: your

Do you want to create a clickable link for Fantassia's Palace to put on your HP (home page)? *S*
Here's how to do that:
<a href="">Fantassia's Palace</a>
will give you: Fantassia's Palace

This method will also work for posting a link to a graphic, picture or sound/music file as long as you know the URL for it. (And it does have to be UPLOADED to someplace on the 'net in order to create a link to it.....having it on your computer just won't work!)

Hint:  For an easy way to find out the exact URL for something like a graphic file and to be able to copy and paste the URL wherever you would like while using Netscape, all you need to do is:
1. Right-click on the graphic using your mouse.
2. Click on "Add Bookmark" in the little pop-up window that should appear.
3. Go to your bookmark file and find the URL there for it.
4. Highlight the URL in the Bookmark window.
5. Choose "Item" from the Bookmark window.
6. Select "Properties." The name of the URL will be highlighted and you can use your "TAB" key from the keyboard to move the highlight/cursor to the location (URL) of the bookmark.
7. Press the "Ctrl" key and at the same time the letter "C" key on your keyboard to copy the highlighted URL. (Or right-click your mouse and select the Copy command.)
8. Then simply go to wherever you want to put the URL and paste it in! You can use the "Ctrl" + "V" keys to paste it or right-click on your mouse and select "Paste" from the pop-up window there.
Most HTML tags will work inside Fantassia's Palace with some exceptions and you should be sure to check the rules of any chat room BEFORE posting to see what is and what is not allowed. (I definitely would not recommend trying to put your homepage into a post!)  At Fantassia's Palace, the IMG tag (images) is not allowed to be used, along with javascript and HR (Horizontal Rule). The IMG tag is not allowed to be used at Fantassia's Palace at this time because the loading of images has a tendency to slow down the chatting in the rooms and delaying the viewing of posts in a room.

Please do NOT even try to use javascript or the HR and IMG tags in any of the rooms at Fantassia's Palace.
Abuse may result in your being removed from the room and/or the web site.
Fantassia's Palace is a monitored chat site.

| Section 4 | Back to the top |

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